Fix All Turbo

Fix ALL Turbo is a high quality, single component, SMX-Polymer® based filling/adhesive material with very fast force accumulation.
– Fast handling and very fast force build-up
– very high finishing strength
– Good adhesion to most common surfaces, including slightly damp surfaces
– Good color stability, weather and UV resistance
– Can be painted with water-based paint after drying
– Always elastic after full drying
– Bonding applications in the construction industry and metal industry
– Elastic bonding on boards, profiles and other commonly used surface parts (wood, MDF, chipboard, etc.)
– Elastic bonding in many different construction and building applications

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Method: With the help of a caulking gun, apply the adhesive to the surface in vertical strips or grains (Per 15 cm Panel). Always apply the adhesive to the edges and corners of the Panels. Immediately compact the surfaces and press together with the rubber hammer. Support may be required. The glue can be handled after 20 minutes and after 3 hours
can be placed.
Application temperature: +5°C to +35°C
Cleaning: With Fix ALL cleanser immediately after application and before drying.
Tool shaping: with soapy solution before tissue formation
Repair: with Fix ALL Turbo


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